Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A step away from the usual

I am outraged!!!! The more I hear about Obama the more I want to break something!!! He is treating the united states like it is his personal playground. The playground of an extremely sick and twisted mastermind.

This man that you see is NOT the president of the United States!!! He is in fact the prime candidate for the largest dictatorship on earth. This is news to you?

Excuse me if I'm wrong but anyone who believes that he is doing what is best for us is living on cloud 9. He wants to take our freedoms away from us, throw us into debt, vaccinate us with viruses that will kill us from what they were made to eradicate. He wants to kill our senior citizens by rationing health care, force us to eat what the government says is right.

And above all else he wants america to be his lap dog! Does anyone other than me see it? This is ludicrous and we are gonna be forced to live how he wants us to live.

Yuck! He makes me sick!

"Obama on Tuesday said the Democratic health care legislation would not create "death panels" to deny care to frail seniors _ or "basically pull the plug on grandma because we decided that it's too expensive to let her live anymore," as the president put it.

Rather, Obama contends the provision that led to such talk would only authorize Medicare to pay doctors for counseling patients about end-of-life care if they want it." AP lastest headlines

EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?! Is he saying that doctors will now be telling old people that since they are old that they should just kick the bucket?!?!?!?!?! Excuse my language but who the HELL does Obama think he is?!?!?!?!

I'm not angry, though.

I'm mad as hell!!! We are paying for people to get new cars, new homes, and to top it off soon we will be paying for people to get abortions & sex changes!!! If you don't want the child then give it up for adoption!!! because abortion is down right murder!!!

That's right, MURDER!!!!

In some causes such as when the mother's life is at risk that is one thing but this other stuff is simply murder.

Obama wants to regulate how many kids we have, when we are allowed to get pregnant, when we are allowed to get married, to who we can get married. When, where, how, why? I'm sorry, but that is crossing the line!!!

Obama, I will be the one in the croud screaming how much of a murderer you and all of the people who vote for the atrocities that you are putting through.

This is NOT the united States of Obama!!
This is and will always be the United States of America!!!!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag
Of the united states of america
and to the republic for which it stands
Indivisible with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL!!!"

~Roxas Embers

Monday, August 10, 2009

Missing Puzzle Pieces

s'up my fellow nobodies? Did you know that when I blog I listen to girly music? Sometimes I do... But I am not a dog or puppy for people to play with. I give up on having a decent boyfriend.... My new boyfriend broke up with me after I asked him to try and stop drinking pepsi. To him that is his water. meh... I want ice cream...

-roxas embers