Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spiking the Ball into Your Face

Oh no!!!! In a recent survey we found that the moon is actually made up of dead martians that early cavemen destroyed. 0.0 Poor Aliens....

So... I am part of this one church group that has the adult women play volleyball every Wednesday(WTF?!?! is that how it is spelled? stupid spell check...). Well, I have been enjoying playing with them because unlike the kids my age the ladies just play for fun and not who wins or loses. Guess what just happened? Yeah, that's right... I got kicked off because they don't want 18 yr old who are still in high school to play.

Ouch... Who did I spike in the face for them to get pissed off like this? Anyway, we went and checked the rules and it is in there that I am not allowed to play with the adults... There goes my activity... This always happens to me though... Like, I will just get comfortable doing something and then it gets taken away from me...

hey, I've been researching on Joseph Stalin and found two pictures and edited them to make a creepy effect. Woah!!! Ghost!!!! Lol! I think it's totally creepy/awesome!

~Ember Iceblade

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